Friday, June 6, 2008

Zimbabwe Aid Ban

I'm Edwyn Prose and I just caught a whiff of this on CNN and they're talking about what the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice just said. Something like the detention of U.S. and British diplomats in that hellhole Zimbabwe "demonstrates this is a regime that is very much out of step with international norms." Those lying, cheatin' Zimbabwe officials went ahead and accused members of the U.S. ambassador's office of trying to assist the opposition. Now Zimbabwe's government has ordered that all relief organizations to stop all their operations in the country. That has prompted further fears that millions of innocent people who depend on that food aid could be going hungry.

Now I have asked this question countelss times and gotten no good answer, which means its all damn lies. Why did we spend billions of dollars sending in the heavy mob the Iraq, when the real dealers in human misery are running the Zimbabwe government?

Goddam it, I know the answer to that and so do most Americans, but they're just too damn politically correct to say whats on their minds. Jeez, its plain as the nose on your face to anyone with a few breain cells that are not still washed clean by the damn television.

Hello? Iraq had the oil and Zimbabwe did not!

So now the Zimbabwe officials can kick us in the goddam teeth by detaining our ambassadors on some trumped up charge of collaberation with their oposition. Jesus H Christ! What is this goddam world coming to?

I heard that Zimbabwe's president is being welcomed with open arms in Monaco or some such place over in Europe and the goddam presedent of Spain was shaking hands with that lying corrupt piece of dogsh*t Robert Mugabe! All the while his henchmen are arresting our people and holding them in some hell hole in the middle of darkest Africa.

Will we send in the troops to rescue our men and women? Will we my eye! We spent all our goddam money on stealing Saddam's oil that's what.

Now we are in debt to the rest of the world and that debt is running into the trillions of dollars. Can you believe that? How can a country be so much in goddam det? Trillions of dollars!

Not just a few millions. Not even a billion.

Freakin trillions of dollars.

If I went into debt for a lousy thousand buck my goddam bank would haul my over the coals and take my goddam house away from me. If I went into debt for a hundred thousand bucks, I'd probably be locked up!

But the goverment can sanction an open wallet spending spree to go pillage someone elses country on some damn lie about weapons of mass destruction that only existed in the minds of the propergander mongers when they really wanted to steal Iraq's oil! And get the country into more goddam debt than it'll ever get out of. What must the interest payments on a debt that size be? Millions of dollars a day probably. But I bet if you're broke and you want to go to your local social security office, they'll tell you to get lost cause their ain't any money to give you.

Why? Because we spent it all and some goddamit!

So am I a freakin grumpy old man?

You betcha!


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