Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stepper Machine Musings

Edwyn here again with more to talk about in a world that needs someone to talk about things that no one else wants to talk about. This time its exercise and how you can make good use of the humble stepper machine to boost your daily exercise schedule and burn up some more of those unwanted calories.

Well, these are great machines to exercise on as they are cardiovascular workouts in their own right. By that I mean they make your heart work harder to pump the blood round your body to feed the muscles that need the fuel to do the work. This is useful from many aspects as on the one hand, its an easy exercise to do when you start off but after a while it starts to make your legs feel like they just ran a few miles and that way you know its doing you good. On the other, while you're stepping away at your own pace, you're burning calories and doing your figure a whole load of good too.

Doing any kind of exercise on a daily basis is good for your health and that's the truth. Especially when you get a little older like me, you need all you can get to keep yourself as fit as you can if you want to go on living in good health. Or go on living, period!

A healthier body is a longer lasting body, so all you couch potatoes who are slumped in front of the TV for 18 hours a day better haul your lazy ass off there and do something or you'll be looking at an early grave, mark my words. Don't think just because you're young you're gonna get away with it either. You need to have at least a reasonable level of health or you will die young and ne ill most of the time.

What in the hell kind of life is that?

Edwyn Prose

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